Looking Ahead  20240413_140841Information Signage 20240413_140829Benches Along the Way 20240413_140303Looking SouthEast 20240413_145149Looking Due South 20240413_150155Looking at the Canyons inside the Rocks 20240413_145355Snowmelt Canyon in the Pinnacles 20240413_145320Scree Slot Opening 20240413_145824Dense Brush even in April 20240413_155328Beautiful View 20240413_151833Looking Northwest 20240413_162102The Brecia Rocks 20240413_162116Brecia Rocks of the Pinnacles 20240413_162119Herd of Deer crossed our Path 20240413_175445Read the Directions 20240413_173355The Dillon Pinnacles 20240413_163922After Hike at Blue Mesa 20240414_162634Joseph after hike 20240414_162452Crystal Clear 20240414_163754Bighorn Ewe at Blue Mesa after hike 20240414_163934