Teresa Golden Photography: Blog https://teresagolden.com/blog en-us (C) Teresa Golden Photography (Teresa Golden Photography) Sat, 14 Sep 2024 13:40:00 GMT Sat, 14 Sep 2024 13:40:00 GMT https://teresagolden.com/img/s/v-12/u281211880-o291745456-50.jpg Teresa Golden Photography: Blog https://teresagolden.com/blog 120 80 Best Bear Experience https://teresagolden.com/blog/2024/9/best-bear-experience Have you ever waited a long time for something you desired?  Always hoping, always seeking, always wishing for just one opportunity? After 13 years, God Ineffable gave me the opportunity of a lifetime.

I live in a region of the Colorado Rocky Mountains rich in wildlife.  However, wildlife move around.  They may stay in one place for several days but they graze, roam, and migrate to different areas depending on the season.

I photographed a big black bear in 2011.  Although I have seen a few bears, I have not been able to photograph one since then. As the story goes.......


I was driving along a quiet, less traveled highway in Gunnison County.  It was nearing sunset but the light was already fading in the canyon region of this section of highway.  I saw a brown lump along the road in front of me by the bushes.  Knowing it was some kind of wildlife, I slowed down.  

The brown lump along the road was a bear!  He looked at me and then dashed into the bushes.  I put my signal on and jumped out of the car with the camera in hand.  Looking, looking..... I heard movement in the bushes.  I ran over to the opposite edge of the road.  Quiet stillness overtook the area. There was no traffic and no movement.  My heartbeat was the only thing I heard.

Then, bushes crackling, and swaying side to side, the bear made his way across the river to the denser area of trees and brush.  I ran along the road parallel to his movements across the river.  I could not see him.  Then, a slight brown shadow and more sticks and brush cracked as he made his way north.

I kept walking along the highway waiting, and watching. Nothing.  Silence, again.  A vehicle drove up.  I ignored it.  It left.  Looking, nothing.  Listening, nothing.  I clapped my hands together and it scared the bear to move on.  

I could see a glimpse of him further up the river.  I snapped a few photos.  I ran back to my car and turned it around.  I drove 1/4 mile around the corner and parked the car.  I then started walking back towards the bear, watching the other side of the river for movement.

There he was coming in my direction! The canyon was silent except for his movements in the brush. I climbed onto a huge boulder and watched as he emerged into a sagebrush open space.  Click, click, click.  He was beautiful! 

He was about 50 feet away and walking towards me.  He stopped behind a sagebrush plant.  Did he think I couldn't see him?  Humm.  He watched me.  I watched him.  Slowly, he started walking in the other direction towards the trees.  I clapped my hands again to try and get him to look at me but this time he ran off.

I was elated.  Jumping up and down and thanking the universe, I knew I had at least one good photograph.  The bear had been so calm. I decided to continue up the canyon to see what other wildlife may be on the move.

As the light was nearing dark, I turned around to head home. A couple of miles from the first bear sighting, I was driving slowly with my window down. I heard crunching in the bushes on the side of the road.  I stopped.  

There was another bear. He was larger and a little darker in color.  I jumped out of the car and stood behind it.  Twenty feet away, the bear scampered out of the berry bushes and stood on the hill looking at me.  I took a few photos and then put my camera down to breathe in this special moment.  

The bear did not run.  He turned and started making his way up the rock scree and boulder field.  For the next 20 minutes, pushing the light meter on my camera to the max, I photographed the bear making his way up and over the boulders.  He paused a few times and I was able to get a few more images.  Then, he moved into the trees and was gone.

Wow, Wow, Wow!!!  A moment I will not forget anytime soon.











(Teresa Golden Photography) 2024 Bear Canyon Cochetopa Colorado County Gunnison mountains photography Saguache September Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2024/9/best-bear-experience Sat, 14 Sep 2024 13:39:05 GMT
Colorado Outdoors Magazine https://teresagolden.com/blog/2024/1/colorado-outdoors-magazine Published in Colorado Outdoors Magazine Nov/Dec 2023 issue.

Male Tanager on Aspen tree branch.  (pg 34)

It was very kind of Colorado Outdoors Magazine to include one of my favorite images in their magazine.  

Colorado is such a diverse and beautiful state.  We have amazing wildlife and breathtaking views. 


YouTube Video:



Red Tanager_0006Red Tanager_0006

Colorado Outdoors Pub. 2023 pg. 34 (for Blog)Colorado Outdoors Pub. 2023 pg. 34 (for Blog)



(Teresa Golden Photography) 2023 bird Colorado Outdoors Magazine magazine November-December photography publication tanager Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2024/1/colorado-outdoors-magazine Mon, 08 Jan 2024 22:18:44 GMT
Gunnison, A Portal to Possibilities https://teresagolden.com/blog/2023/10/gunnison-a-portal-to-possibilities Golden Valley of Gunnison_4263Golden Valley of Gunnison_4263Gunnison in Autumn Splendor 2021

In Response to a recent survey question about the flavor of Gunnison:

A Quote, "For Life is the Greatest Adventure."  Theodore Roosevelt.

Gunnison is a rare gem located in the center of Colorado.  It has the largest reservoir in the state. It is rich in history with ranchers and educators setting the foundation for a community to grow in the High Rockies.  I think education is paramount to a rich and thoughtful society.  However, to place a focus on "University Town" for Gunnison is too limiting.

Gunnison is the "Gateway to Adventure."  

Think of our downtown mural.  Mountain biking, hiking, horseback riding, climbing, fishing, camping, wildlife and wildflowers, etc.  We have an adventure in each direction of the compass regardless of where we come from or where we are going.  


To the North, Crested Butte with mountain biking, hiking, rafting, wildflowers, and skiing in the winter.

To the South, San Luis Valley with hot mineral springs, Sand Dunes, and a wildlife sanctuary for thousands of migrating birds.

To the East, Monarch Mountain with skiing, mountain biking, and access to the Front Range and Big City amenities.

To the West, Blue Mesa Reservoir with boating, fishing, camping, hiking, wildlife, and access to the Western Slope Canyonlands. 


Locally, we have a beautiful small university, a first-class rodeo (the oldest in the state), an observatory for star gazing, miles of river for fishing, and rafting, and a small town with Mom & Pop shops and Chain stores to provide for a county of diverse people and occupations.  Finally, a huge outdoor theater or mecca to unleash the artistic and adventurous alike.  

Gunnison is a "Portal to Possibilities."  An "Access to Adventure."


Adventure in work.

Adventure in play.

Adventure in education.

Adventure in exploration. 


My Town.

(Teresa Golden Photography) arts bighorn Colorado Colorado Rockies creative eagles elk fishing Gunnison hiking moose mountains photography rivers Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2023/10/gunnison-a-portal-to-possibilities Sat, 21 Oct 2023 15:10:53 GMT
reFocus Awards - Honorable Mention 2023 https://teresagolden.com/blog/2023/9/refocus-awards---honorable-mention honorable-mention-nanny-kid-badge-2honorable-mention-nanny-kid-badge-2

What great news I have received today.  Recognition was Awarded to one of my favorite images.

Nanny & Kid

2023 Honorable Mention Wildlife - color Category 


For more information click or copy



(Teresa Golden Photography) 2023 Colorado mountain goats mt. evans Nanny & Kid photography reFocus Awards Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2023/9/refocus-awards---honorable-mention Mon, 11 Sep 2023 23:05:55 GMT
KKTV PIC OF THE DAY - NOBLE RAM https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/8/kktv-pic-of-the-day---noble-ram KKTV COLORADO SPRINGS SELECTED ANOTHER ONE OF MY IMAGES AS THEIR 'PIC OF THE DAY'




(Teresa Golden Photography) 2020 bighorn colorado gunnison kktv photography pic of the day teresa golden video wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/8/kktv-pic-of-the-day---noble-ram Tue, 16 Aug 2022 12:23:42 GMT
The Bighorn Line Up Story https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/5/the-bighorn-line-up-story   Bighorn  Sheep Lineup_0730Bighorn Sheep Lineup_0730                          


The Bighorn Line Up

(An Excerpt from my book:  Stories From Behind the Lens)


One of the first few photo adventures that Joseph, my photo partner and I engaged in took place in Saguache County near a vast open land area known as Cochetopa Canyon Recreation Area.  This canyon is quite modest in size compared to say “The Grand Canyon” in Arizona or the “Black Canyon of Gunnison National Park” 60 miles away.  However, it has steep rock cliffs of several hundred feet high, the Cochetopa river at the bottom and above it lies the cherished sage meadows for which the Greater Gunnison Basin is renowned and where we are walking on this day.

 Following a road-grader down a country road, we saw a small herd of animals in the distance.  As we approached, we could see that the animals were too far away for a photo.  So, we decided to walk across the sage meadow to get closer.  Joseph had to relieve himself so he lagged behind me a short distance.

I led the short hike across the thick sage meadow that had a large dip in the middle. It was about the length of a football field.  I was very excited and focused on approaching the herd of bighorn sheep quietly.  Soon, after I reached the low point of the meadow dip, Joseph, trying to catch up began to make all sorts of noises behind me.  It was late October and although a clear sunny day, it was cool.  We were wearing winter coats.

With each step, Joseph’s arms rubbed his coat-sides making a…… SWISH, SWISH, SWISH sound.  Then, I became acutely aware of every step he took because he must have stepped on each sagebrush plant or protruding root that he encountered CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH.  Next, he started coughing!  HACK, HACK, HACK. Ugh.  Doesn’t he know that a wildlife photographer is supposed to sneak up on the animals?  I turned back and tried to SHUSH SHUSH him but he wasn’t paying any attention to me. 

Now, from this low dip in the meadow, we were unable to see the bighorns on the plateau ahead of us.  A bit disgruntled with Joseph’s racket, I figured the animals had run off and our photo op was gone.  So, I waited for him.  Attempting to be nice but hissing gently through my teeth, I tried to briefly explain the importance of being quiet upon our approach to the herd. We ascended the small hill together.  

Imagine to our SURPRISE, the entire herd of 15 Rams, Ewes and lambs all lined up looking in our direction only 20 yards away. Apparently, they were wondering who or what was making all that noise and waited to see what was coming over the small hill.  I paused briefly in amazement and while Joseph fiddled with his camera, I CLICK CLICK CLICKED away taking a series of a dozen shots before the Bighorn Sheep all turned at once and ran off in the other direction.   


(Teresa Golden Photography) bighorn Colorado Gunnison photography stories Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/5/the-bighorn-line-up-story Mon, 09 May 2022 00:15:59 GMT
Colorado Fun Facts https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/5/colorado-fun-facts Grandeur_2623Grandeur_2623

Five fun facts, I bet you didn't know about Colorado.


1.  Denver is the only city to turn down the Olympic bid (1970)

2.  Colorado is the birthplace of the Cheeseburger.  Humpty Dumpty Drive-In was the first place to serve a cheeseburger.  Inventor- Mr. Ballest.

3.  Grand Mesa (Grand Junction) is the world's largest Flat-Top mountain with about 500 square miles.  It is 40 miles long and has over 300 lakes (many snowmelt ponds). 

4.  More than 1/3 of the state is owned by the Federal government in the form of State Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and National Park Service lands.

5.   Leadville is the highest incorporated city in the U.S. at 10,152 feet elevation. 


Courtesy of Denver Channel 7 News. 

(Teresa Golden Photography) Colorado Denver facts https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/5/colorado-fun-facts Sun, 08 May 2022 01:05:03 GMT
Interesting Fact #4 about Gunnison County https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/4/interesting-fact-5-about-gunnison-county Interesting Fact #4:  We have one of the smallest Walmart shopping centers in the entire chain of national and international stores.

There is at least one store smaller than the Walmart in Gunnison.  It is roughly 2500 square feet and is located on a college campus; Georgia Tech University. Our store is less than 40,000 square feet including backroom storage.  Putting it into perspective:  the average size of a Walmart Super Center is about 200,000 square feet.

There is no 'Garden Center." There is no "Automotive Center." There is no "Grocery."

While you can get anything from bathing suits to birthday cards, toothpaste, picture frames, car batteries, and pharmacy items; the selection is minimal.  The grocery section has some cookies, crackers, canned goods and coffee items but no fresh food.  While a Super Walmart has an entire aisle of toothpaste and oral care items. Our precious little store has one-fourth of the space available but you can get Crest, Colgate, and teeth whitener! 


Small Town, Small Store!     Happy Shopping (online)!

(Teresa Golden Photography) Colorado photography Gunnison county interesting facts Teresa Golden Walmart https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/4/interesting-fact-5-about-gunnison-county Sun, 03 Apr 2022 17:29:07 GMT
Interesting Fact #3 About Gunnison County https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/2/interesting-fact-3-about-gunnison-county Interesting Fact #3:  We have the largest reservoir in the entire state called Blue Mesa Reservoir.  When full, the reservoir yields about 96 miles of shoreline.  State Highway 50 runs parallel to the reservoir for about 20 miles from Lake City Bridge to the Dam, 8 miles west of the town of Gunnison. The dam was built in 1965.  Blue Mesa Reservoir provides year-round activities from camping, fishing, hiking and boating in the summer to ice fishing, cross-country skiing and snow-shoeing in the winter.  And, there is an abundance of wildlife to view from eagles to elk, bighorn sheep, migrating birds, fox, hawks, etc.  There is much to do so, get outside.  Boaters Delight_4589Boaters Delight_4589From Lake Fork Bridge Blue Mesa Dam_0216Blue Mesa Dam_0216The dam built in 1965 Tower of Glory_7494Tower of Glory_7494Bighorns frequent the Rainbow Rocks Mile

(Teresa Golden Photography) Blue Mesa boating camping Colorado Curecanti fishing Gunnison photography Teresa Golden water wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/2/interesting-fact-3-about-gunnison-county Wed, 16 Feb 2022 20:48:12 GMT
Interesting Fact #2 about Gunnison County https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/2/interesting-fact-2-about-gunnison-county Cottonwood Pass _9494Cottonwood Pass _9494Looking Northwest from the summit.

Interesting Fact #2:

You must traverse a high mountain pass in any of the four directions in order to reach Gunnison.

North: Schofield Pass  10,707 feet in elevation (named most dangerous pass in Colorado for 4x4's only) It is open 2 or 3 months during the summer season. 

South: Cochetopa Pass 10,067 feet elevation (State Highway 114)

West: Double Mountain Passes of Blue Mesa Summit 8,704 feet elevation & Cerro Summit 8,042 feet elevation (State Highway 50 west)

East: Monarch Mountain Pass 11,312 feet elevation (State Highway 50 east)

Northeast: Cottonwood Pass 12,126 feet elevation (Scenic Byway west of Buena Vista) 


* Bring some bottled water, your camera and a jacket.  Enjoy the Adventure!





(Teresa Golden Photography) Blue Mesa Summit Cerro Summit Cochetopa Pass Colorado Cottonwood Pass Gunnison Gunnison county Interesting Facts Monarch Pass mountains photography Rockies Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/2/interesting-fact-2-about-gunnison-county Thu, 10 Feb 2022 00:24:40 GMT
Interesting Fact #1 About Gunnison County https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/2/interesting-facts-about-gunnison-county Interesting Fact #1:  What is interesting about Gunnison county is that there are more Elk than People in Gunnison County! 

Gunnison County is a unique place to live.  Located in the High Rockies of Colorado, we are 32 miles off the Continental Divide. The current statistics are about 15,300 people and 17,000 elk.


Closer Look_0204Closer Look_0204Small herd in the sagebrush meadows, Gunnison County

(Teresa Golden Photography) 2022 colorado elk gunnison photography population teresa golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2022/2/interesting-facts-about-gunnison-county Mon, 07 Feb 2022 01:36:09 GMT
Blue Mesa National Park Newspaper Interview https://teresagolden.com/blog/2021/5/blue-mesa-national-park-newspaper-interview At the Opening Night of my Gunnison Arts Center Show

the Gunnison Country Times newspaper interviewed me.  A brief

summary of our talk was published in the May 20, 2021 paper.


Blue Mesa National Park Gallery Newspaper Article_3725Blue Mesa National Park Newspaper Article_3725Blue Mesa National Park Newspaper Interview


(Teresa Golden Photography) 2021 animals bighorn bighorns Blue Mesa Blue Mesa National Park boating Colorado Colorado Rockies eagles elk fishing gallery gallery exhibit Gunnison Gunnison Arts Center Gunnison County hiking lake May moose mountains osprey photography recreation reservoir river Teresa Golden Teresa Golden Photography tourism wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2021/5/blue-mesa-national-park-newspaper-interview Fri, 21 May 2021 18:14:21 GMT
Blue Mesa National Park Gallery Show by Teresa Golden https://teresagolden.com/blog/2021/4/blue-mesa-national-park-gallery-show-by-teresa-golden BLUE MESA NATIONAL PARK


A Photographic Presentation to Inspire

Legislative Momentum to Create a New Preeminent National Park 


Gunnison County, Colorado

Blue Mesa National Park Back of InvitationBlue Mesa National Park Back of InvitationBlue Mesa National Park Gallery Show Invitation

BLUE MESA NATIONAL PARK SCENE- 1 INVITEBLUE MESA NATIONAL PARK SCENE- 1 INVITEBlue Mesa Reservoir, Gunnison, CO largest body of water in the state with over 96 miles of shoreline.


(Teresa Golden Photography) 2021 animals bighorn bighorns Blue Mesa Blue Mesa Dam Blue Mesa National Park Blue Mesa Reservoir boating camping Colorado Dillon Pinnacles eagles elk Elk Creek Campground fishing gallery exhibit Gunnison Gunnison Arts Center Gunnison County hiking lake May mesas moose mountains osprey outdoors photography rock climbing sage meadows sailing Sapinero Teresa Golden Teresa Golden Photography wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2021/4/blue-mesa-national-park-gallery-show-by-teresa-golden Thu, 29 Apr 2021 21:12:05 GMT
Gunnison Arts Center presents 'Blue Mesa National Park' by Teresa Golden https://teresagolden.com/blog/2021/4/gunnison-arts-center-presents-blue-mesa-national-park-by-teresa-golden Gunnison Arts Center

Official Announcement

"A Preeminent New National Park where diverse and abundant wildlife and their habitat are protected;

while maintaining an enhanced recreational area for people to enjoy!

Click or Cut and Paste to Enter:


(Teresa Golden Photography) 2021 animals bighorn bighorn sheep birds Blue Mesa National Park boating camping Colorado Colorado Rockies Curecanti National Recreation Area Dillon Pinnacles eagles elk fish fishing gallery exhibit geese Gunnison Gunnison Arts Center Hartman Rocks Highway 50 hiking McCabes Wetland Area mesas mink moose mountains otter pelicans photography Rainbow Hills recreation Teresa Golden water West Elk Wilderness wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2021/4/gunnison-arts-center-presents-blue-mesa-national-park-by-teresa-golden Wed, 21 Apr 2021 13:01:32 GMT
BLUE MESA NATIONAL PARK https://teresagolden.com/blog/2021/4/blue-mesa-national-park You are invited!


During the month of May, I am presenting photographic work at the Gunnison Arts Center to inspire legislative momentum to create a New National Park in Gunnison County, Colorado. 




Blue Mesa Reservoir is the largest body of water in the state of Colorado.  When full the reservoir is 20 miles long and has around 96 miles of shoreline.  However, for over 50 years, minimal improvements have been implemented to create a more user-friendly recreational area.  Only the lands immediately around the Gunnison river and the reservoir have been established as Curecanti National Recreation Area.  Yet, the animals and their habitat are not protected.  West Elk Wilderness to the north of Blue Mesa Reservoir, Hartman Rocks on the edge of the town of Gunnison and looking south to the Powderhorn and Uncompagre Wilderness regions could all be considered in "Drawing New Lines for a National Park."


Please support protecting a diverse and abundant wildlife area and their habitat; 

while creating an enhanced recreational area for people to enjoy this Rocky Mountain Paradise

in Gunnison County, Colorado.


Blue Mesa National Park Back of InvitationBlue Mesa National Park Back of InvitationInvitation details

(Teresa Golden Photography) 2021 animals bighorn Blue Mesa Blue Mesa National Park Colorado Colorado Rockies Curecanti National Recreation Area eagles elk gallery gallery exhibit Gunnison Gunnison Arts Center Main May moose mountains photography reservoir Teresa Golden Teresa Golden Photography wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2021/4/blue-mesa-national-park Thu, 15 Apr 2021 17:10:28 GMT
Golden Wins Water Photo Contest https://teresagolden.com/blog/2021/3/golden-wins-water-photo-contest I am happy to announce that I won all five categories of the World Water Day photo contest presented by the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District.  Please click on the link or 'copy & paste" to your browser to view all images and Official website announcement. 




Golden Wins Water Photo Contest_4776Golden Wins Water Photo Contest_4776Golden wins water photo contest presented by the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District's, "World Water Day."

(Teresa Golden Photography) bighorn blue colorado contest eagles gunnison gunnison country times gunnison river mesa moose photo contest photography reservoir river taylor taylor reservoir teresa golden upper gunnison river water conservancy district wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2021/3/golden-wins-water-photo-contest Thu, 25 Mar 2021 16:27:05 GMT
Annual Photography Awards 2020, "Learning To Climb" https://teresagolden.com/blog/2021/2/annual-photography-awards-2020-learning-to-climb Happy Valentine's Day!

I am pleased to share that another one of my images has received accolades from the International Annual Photography Awards 2020.  My image, "Learning To Climb" has been granted an Honorable Mention in the Wildlife category.  This competition received over 1600 images from 56 countries around the globe.  I am honored to be counted among the top recognized photographers.



(Teresa Golden Photography) 2020 Annual Photography Awards APA colorado Gunnison Honorable Mention kids Learning To Climb mountain goats photography Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2021/2/annual-photography-awards-2020-learning-to-climb Sun, 14 Feb 2021 17:30:07 GMT
Humor From The Wild Side https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/12/humor-from-the-wild-side Times article 20210128_153958Times article 20210128_153958Humor From The Wild Side


The local newspaper advertised a 'call for submissions' of stories about the pandemic to add to their annual community journal.  I came up with this short story to add to their collection. 


                                      Humor From The Wild Side


As a nature and wildlife photographer in Gunnison, my photography friend, Joseph and I drive around a lot looking for scenes and animals to photograph.  Day trips are common.  We, frequently visit outlying areas, such as, the San Luis Valley near Alamosa, Lake City, Montrose, Salida and more.  We travel highways, by-ways, scenic routes and backroads in our search for the next shot and adventure.   I do not have a tv and rarely keep up on news events.  So, I had no idea a pandemic was spreading across the nation in early Spring of 2020. 

What I did notice was the lack of traffic! 

In late March, when the traffic along Highway 50 seemed to lessen, I wondered what was going on.  We, frequently have semi-trucks parked along the roadway at the eastern edge of town, near McDonalds and the Pioneer Museum. But, there weren’t any now.  Restaurants were closed in the middle of the day.  Even the W Café stopped serving breakfast all day.  We did not have to wait in line at the gas station.  I noticed, with the reduced traffic, that I was not being blown away by passing semi-trucks on the highway, as I stood photographing an Eagle in a tree.  I, also, did not have people honking, while I photographed Bighorn Sheep moving across the boulders in the sage meadow at Almont.  The streets were becoming more barren by the day.  It was weird. 

The small city of Gunnison was starting to look like a Hollywood ghost town.  Very few cars or ranch trucks were moving on the streets.  No one was walking their dog in the park.  Yoga classes were cancelled.  The shelves at the grocery store were becoming bare.  Hey!  What’s going on here?  Did Jesus return and rapture all the people leaving Joseph and me behind? 

Luckily, for my peace of mind, the Gunnison Country Times newspaper enlightened me as to the reason behind the ‘lack of traffic.’   There was a virus spreading across the nation called the ‘novel coronavirus’ aka. COVID-19.  This was not a joke about Mexican beer (which I love).  It was a potentially deadly virus to the weak, immune deficient or elderly.  Out of an abundance of caution, cities throughout the world were quarantining everyone!  I could not believe what I was reading.

Through all the shock and trauma unleashed over the next several months by thoughtless and fearful people, my saving grace was that I was still able to travel the country roads and photograph beautiful and gentle wildlife.   As a nature and wildlife photographer, I spent most days outside looking for wildlife via driving around and hiking mountain trails.  Some days, I processed images and put them on Facebook, my website and enter them in national and international photo contests.  I did not dwell on the news.  I, also, had limited contact with people.

The wildlife rich environment of Gunnison county is a real national treasure.  Living at altitude, provides for some unique animal encounters, not to mention a closeness with nature that ‘city dwellers” drive here to experience.  We have a diverse wildlife population, which includes bear, deer, moose, cougar, pronghorn, fox, porcupine, beaver and bighorn sheep.  There is osprey, bald and golden eagles, several species of hawks and owls.  There are hundreds of water fowl and backyard bird varieties.  We are home to a rare ground bird called the Gunnison Sage Grouse, that is only found here (and has spread a little further west).  To top it off, a little known but true fact is that there are more elk than people in Gunnison county.  Needless to say, unless you are zoning-out as you drive down the road, you will most likely see birds and wildlife along the route. 

It wasn’t long, though, until the reality of this pandemic really ‘hit home.’  I photographed bighorn sheep herding together in small groups, completely violating the new 6-foot Social Distancing Mandate.  Those darn bald eagles kept traveling across county lines setting themselves up for self-quarantining measures.  The thousands of elk in our county moved from their winter grounds to their summer home and the authorities were threatening to block them from entering the forest.  The mandatory mask ordinance caused some problems for the moose, given their large snouts in relation to their ears.  The newborn fawns frequently rubbed their mother’s noses, but they were excused because of their youth and resilience to the virus.

It gets worse.  After issuing restrictions for everyone, the Pronghorn ran fast to other areas to see family members and had to issue public apologies for breaking the rules.  The red-tail fox snuck around at night, collecting on the boom in the rodent population.  The hawks were experiencing food-insecurity issues with the number of flights reduced.  The bears couldn’t eat at their favorite dining facility, and so they choose to hibernate early.  Mountain goats had the least issue.  They live so remote, at high elevation that the pandemic didn’t affect them much.   Tracking was brought up for the beavers but there was a security issue with the extensive waterways in the county.  It was a real problem.

Now, wait!  There is more.  The ducks began quacking and telling the geese about the neighbors having a party at the lake, possibly spreading the virus.  The chipmunks were lining up for free fruit and nut handouts at the local picnic grounds.  The squirrels were stock-piling goods ahead of the rationing at the Super Evergreen store.  The porcupines, unsure of what to do, just stood and quivered.  The marmots groomed each other in private so, they could avoid jail-time.  The sparrows stopped singing at sunrise because large gatherings were prohibited.  And, the owls…well, they really couldn’t give a hoot.

They say, ‘laughter is good for the soul.’  I hope that my light-hearted approach using wildlife humor pertaining to this awful pandemic has brightened a very dark time in our nation’s record books.  Like the sign reads in Montrose at the ElderAdo Financial Company: “I am beginning to miss family and neighbors that I don’t even like.”


God’s Blessings to You All.


(Teresa Golden Photography) 2021 colorado covid-19 Guest Commentary gunnison gunnison 11th annual journal gunnison arts center Gunnison Country Times humor from the wild side pandemic teresa golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/12/humor-from-the-wild-side Wed, 23 Dec 2020 16:27:09 GMT
Awarded Honorable Mention in the Chromatic International Photography Contest https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/12/awarded-honorable-mention-in-the-chromatic-international-photography-contest I am so pleased to announce that one of my images has received "Honorable Mention in the Wildlife and Animal" Professional category from the Chromatic International Photography Contest.

This image has a cute story behind it.  I was with Joseph, my photography friend at Rocky Mountain National Park. He was driving the car.  We were on Trail Ridge Road, just beyond the Alpine Visitor's Center. Ahead of us was a line of cars. Five bull elk were grazing on the grasses right along the road.  As we approached the elk, I could not get a picture because they were so close.  We drove down the road and turned around.  This time as we passed them, I leaned over Joseph's shoulder and snapped a super close-up of one bull elk.  I was initially disappointed at being unable to get a "good shot."  

When I uploaded the images from the trip onto my computer......I was surprised and hrilled with my unique close-up image of the elk.

                                                                                          "Velvet Soul"

Chromatic Award 2020Chromatic Award 2020Chromatic Awards, Honorable Mention Award for 2020, "Velvet Soul"


(Teresa Golden Photography) 2020 animals chromatic awards chromatic international color photography awards 2020 colorado contest december elk gunnison honorable mention photography professional teresa golden teresa golden photography wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/12/awarded-honorable-mention-in-the-chromatic-international-photography-contest Mon, 21 Dec 2020 16:02:43 GMT
KKTV's "PIC OF THE DAY" https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/12/kktvs-pic-of-the-day On December 8th, I submitted one of my photographs to KKTV, Channel 11 in Colorado Springs.  

They chose it as their social media  "Pic of the Day."

Much gratitude towards all the people at the tv station for their kind words and support.

Here is the newscast highlight. (with permission)


(Teresa Golden Photography) channel 11 news colorado Colorado Springs December fourteeners gallery exhibit Gunnison kktv Mount Evans mountain goats mt. evans nannie & kid news photography pic of the day Teresa Golden teresa golden photography tv wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/12/kktvs-pic-of-the-day Sat, 19 Dec 2020 14:53:23 GMT
Blue Mesa Reservoir area as a new National Park: "Blue Mesa National Park" https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/12/blue-mesa-reservoir-as-blue-mesa-national-park Today, I am excited!

I have contacted US Senator Michael Bennet and requested he look into consolidating the vast recreational and wildlife viewing areas around Blue Mesa Reservoir into a new National Park, called "BLUE MESA NATIONAL PARK."  I know any government action is a long shot but one must TRY.

Not only would this action streamline the varied public lands into one, federally protected area around Blue Mesa Reservoir; it has the potential to increase needed federal funding, provide better support for recreational activities, protect the unique sage meadows of Gunnison county, provide true conservation efforts to the wildlife and habitat of this county and increase tourism to this dynamic area. 

Blue Mesa Reservoir is the largest body of water in the state of Colorado.  It is 20 miles long and has nearly 100 miles of shoreline.  The surrounding areas are mostly BLM and public lands consisting of State Wildlife Viewing areas and Curecanti National Recreation Area (nearly 42,000 acres) operated by the US National Park Service.  There are about 650 miles of snow-melt streams that flow into the Gunnison river, which is the primary water source that fills Blue Mesa Reservoir.  The Gunnison river continues downstream and flows through Black Canyon National Park and eventually into the Colorado river. 

Gunnison county is a rich wildlife environment full of hundreds of diverse species.  There are the larger animals such as moose, deer, bear, cougar and Yes! ... more elk than people. We have fox, racoon, coyote, soon-to-be-reintroduced wolf, porcupine, beavers, badgers and rabbits.  There are trophy trout in the streams and reservoir. We have Bald eagles, Golden eagle, several species of Hawks and owls.  There are hundreds of 'backyard' birds and several different squirrels.  At higher elevation, one can see marmots and pikas.  Gunnison county is also, home to the rare and unique Gunnison Sage-Grouse.  

"Dreaming of Blue Mesa National Park" is the focus of my next gallery show at the Gunnison Arts Center this summer.


Blue Mesa National Park_5584Blue Mesa National Park_5584Blue Mesa National Park Sign. Taking action to create a new National Park in Gunnison County, Colorado.

(Teresa Golden Photography) bear bighorn Blue Mesa National Park Blue Mesa Reservoir boating Colorado cougar eagles elk fishing fox gallery exhibit Gunnison Gunnison county Gunnison river hiking moose Parks photography reservoir river Senator Michael Bennet sheep Teresa Golden trout water wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/12/blue-mesa-reservoir-as-blue-mesa-national-park Fri, 18 Dec 2020 18:55:39 GMT
"AskShalae" Christmas Product Featuring: "The Launch," my Redtail Hawk Canvas https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/12/-askshalae-christmas-product-featuring-the-launch-a-redtail-hawk "Ask Shalae" is a YouTube Hostess that promotes and informs about "Shopping, Savings and More."   She invited followers of her daily program to submit their product to be highlighted during her Christmas Special Promotion.   I sent her a small 11x14 canvas print of "The Launch."  

Here is my brief highlight on her program shown on December 1st, 2020:  You can watch her entire show about 25 minutes or fast forward to my highlight about 7minutes 39 seconds in. She did two segments for her first show.  





How fun to help promote each other's work!

Many Thanks, Shalae Morgan of "AskShalae."






(Teresa Golden Photography) askshalae blog canvases christmas colorado facebook golden gunnison hawk national geographic photographer photography product promotion raptors redtail shalae teresa golden video wildlife youtube https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/12/-askshalae-christmas-product-featuring-the-launch-a-redtail-hawk Wed, 02 Dec 2020 00:07:50 GMT
Chasing Our Nations Christmas Tree https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/11/chasing-our-nations-christmas-tree Signing the Banner 094225_001Signing the Banner 094225_001Me signing the banner on the truck that is transporting the National Christmas Tree to Washington DC. 1 of 3 messages_0944481 of 3 messages_094448My addition to the messages....... Viewing the Nations Christmas Tree _093002Viewing the Nations Christmas Tree _093002A peak at the handmade ornaments from children in Colorado that adorn the tree. The Tree Escort 094935_00111The Tree Escort 094935_00111From Gunnison National Forest to Washington DC, our Nations Christmas Tree on the move.

Early on October 13th, 2020, a neighbor told me that our Nations Christmas Tree had been cut from the Gunnison National Forest and should be passing through town, shortly.  I watched and saw the entourage just as it was leaving Gunnison.  After collecting my photo partner, Joseph, we headed down the highway to catch it and possibly get a few photos.  They were moving at a brisk pace.  We caught the Christmas Tree escort on the east side of Monarch Mountain, near the Ski Resort.  

The group stopped just before Salida to make arrangements to stop at the high school for a brief photo op and then pass through town.  While the State Troopers and Forest Service personnel made arrangements, we were given free access to view, photograph and sign the banners on both sides of the semi truck.  We chased our Nations Christmas Tree almost 60 miles!  The last time a tree came from Colorado was 47 years ago.  

What a fun and special moment to accompany our Nations Tree for a short distance on its 2000 mile trek across the country.  The Forest Service personnel and State Troopers were honored to participate in this rare experience.  They were so joyful and kind to us.   

God's Blessings to All and Peace on Earth!!

(Teresa Golden Photography) 2020 Christmas Colorado DC Forest Gunnison House lawn National Nations photography tree Uncompahgre Washington White https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/11/chasing-our-nations-christmas-tree Sat, 21 Nov 2020 18:17:11 GMT
Golden Eagle Touch N Go https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/10/golden-eagle-touch-n-go Touch n Go Golden PosterTouch n Go Golden PosterA rare and amazing moment to capture a Golden Eagle landing and launching into flight. "Touch N Go"

With a little extra time on my hands, I decided to play around with my Golden Eagle photos.  I created a small poster of an eagle landing on a rock on top of a high cliff and then launching into flight again.  

Golden Eagles are powerful raptors that have talons the size of a bear claw.  This "Golden" display is a series of 7 sequential images.  

(Teresa Golden Photography) 2020 colorado eagles golden Gunnison mountains photography raptors Rocky Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/10/golden-eagle-touch-n-go Thu, 29 Oct 2020 17:08:38 GMT
Moose Up Close https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/9/moose-up-close While driving the high country, a friend and I came across moose in a small pond along the road.  We stopped to photograph them and discovered that there were more moose in the willow bushes.  We had a wonderful evening watching and photographing two cow moose with young and one bull moose.  They stayed in the area for about an hour before moving back into the willows.  

(Teresa Golden Photography) bull Colorado Cottonwood County cow Golden Gunnison Moose Mountains Pass Photography Reservoir Rocky Taylor Teresa wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/9/moose-up-close Thu, 17 Sep 2020 17:13:00 GMT
Canvas Clusters https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/8/canvas-cluster This first image is an Unframed Canvas Cluster.  It is a grouping of separate images grouped together to make one display. 

This specific Bald Eagle Cluster is a sequential series of five images of an eagle launching in to flight from a tree branch.  Notice the downward motion of the wings and then lift as it moves forward (from left to right).  I presented this cluster in my previous gallery shows with very positive remarks.  The total size of the display is about eight (8) feet wide by four (4) feet tall.   


The next image is a mix of Framed and Unframed Canvas Cluster images.  This collection of Autumn images is grouped together to present one display.

Here, I present five (5) images of similar theme....Autumn.  This assembly of images is displayed much like one might hang on their wall in their living room, den or country cabin.  


Eagle Cluster_9195Five Sequential flight images of an Bald Eagle   

Autumn Cluster_9190Scenes of Autumn



(Teresa Golden Photography) 2020 autumn bald bear Black canvas canyon city cluster colorado deer eagles fawn flying foliage gunnison lake mountains photography river rocky Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/8/canvas-cluster Fri, 14 Aug 2020 16:48:27 GMT
International Annual Photography Awards February 2020 https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/8/annual-photography-awards  

In February of 2020, I was awarded Honorable Mention in the Wildlife Category by the Annual Photography Awards Organization.  However, I did not find out until June!  I am very grateful for the recognition by this captivating and diverse team of judges.   Thank you. 

Bighorn Line Up Award _9195Awarded Honorable Mention in Wildlife Category by the International Annual Photography Awards Nanny & Kid and Glorious GoldenAwarded Honorable Mention in Wildlife Category by the International Annual Photography Awards Organization.

(Teresa Golden Photography) and annual awards bighorn colorado eagle glorious goats golden Gunnison honorable Kid lineup mention mountain Nanny photography Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/8/annual-photography-awards Fri, 14 Aug 2020 16:35:33 GMT
"Colorful Colorado" Gallery Show Video https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/8/-colorful-colorado-gallery-show-video Colorful Colorado Gallery Show Video finalA photo partnership in displaying the Colorado Wildlife. COLORFUL COLORADO IS A GALLERY DISPLAY OF THE BEAUTIFUL SCENES AND ANIMALS FOUND IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS.  




(Teresa Golden Photography) 2020 Arts autumn bighorn black canyon Center city Colorado Colorful deer eagles elk enenbach ewes fall flowers gallery gallery exhibit goats Golden Gunnison hawks joe joseph June lake moose mountain mountains osprey photography rams sheep show spring summer Teresa wildlife winter https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/8/-colorful-colorado-gallery-show-video Sat, 08 Aug 2020 20:38:07 GMT
Colorful Colorado Gallery Show at the Gunnison Arts Center https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/6/colorful-colorado-gallery-show-at-the-gunnison-arts-center Please view online or visit the Gunnison Arts Center to view the beautiful display I am presenting with a photo-friend, Joseph Enenbach.  Rich Autumn foliage, Stunning Spring Flowers, Crisp Winter White all with an Abundance of Wildlife. 

Click below:



(Teresa Golden Photography) 2020 Arts autumn bighorn black canyon Center city Colorado Colorful deer eagles elk ewes fall flowers gallery goats Golden Gunnison hawks June lake moose mountain mountains osprey photography rams sheep show spring summer Teresa wildlife winter https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/6/colorful-colorado-gallery-show-at-the-gunnison-arts-center Thu, 04 Jun 2020 17:17:20 GMT
Video From Majestic Mountain Wildlife Gallery Show, Center For The Arts, Crested Butte, CO https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/1/video-from-majestic-mountain-wildlife-gallery-show-center-for-the-arts-crested-butte-co Majestic Mountain Wildlife Gallery Show VideoWarm and Wonderful Memories of my Majestic Mountain Wildlife Show at the Center For The Arts in Crested Butte, Colorado

(Teresa Golden Photography) 2020 animals center for the arts colorado Colorado Rockies crested butte gallery exhibit Gunnison january kinder-padon gallery majestic mountain wildlife photography Teresa Golden video wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/1/video-from-majestic-mountain-wildlife-gallery-show-center-for-the-arts-crested-butte-co Mon, 20 Jan 2020 17:50:21 GMT
Majestic Mountain Wildlife photography now on Display https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/1/majestic-mountain-wildlife-photography-now-on-display https://www.crestedbuttearts.org/Welcome-to-the-Center-for-the-Arts-Crested-Butte


Come see the amazing Action-Wildlife Photography of Teresa Golden now on display in the new Kinder-Padon Gallery in the Center For The Arts, Crested Butte, CO. 

On display until January 27th, stop in  and enjoy a refreshment and light snack at the Artist Reception this Friday evening from 4 - 7 pm. 

Browse through the coffee table photo books and giggle at the Blooper Pictures.  Read fun facts about the animals on the display cards and feel the peace of these majestic creatures.




(Teresa Golden Photography) 2020 animals center for the arts colorado crested butte gallery exhibit Gunnison january kinder-padon gallery majestic mountain wildlife photography Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2020/1/majestic-mountain-wildlife-photography-now-on-display Thu, 09 Jan 2020 16:27:54 GMT
Teresa Golden Showcases the Captivating Wildlife of the Colorado Rockies https://teresagolden.com/blog/2019/12/teresa-golden-showcases-the-captivating-wildlife-of-the-colorado-rockies A Special Feature Article at "Phoblographer.com"



(Teresa Golden Photography) Colorado Rockies photography Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2019/12/teresa-golden-showcases-the-captivating-wildlife-of-the-colorado-rockies Sat, 21 Dec 2019 15:39:00 GMT
Center For The Arts Crested Butte, Kinder-Padon Gallery Announcement https://teresagolden.com/blog/2019/11/center-for-the-arts-crested-butte "The Launch" Red tail Hawk _0719"The Launch" Red tail Hawk _0719

The Official Announcement by the Center For The Arts Crested Butte, Kinder-Padon Gallery.

Click on the link below to read the full article:

Center For The Arts Crested Butte, Kinder-Padon Gallery Show

(Teresa Golden Photography) 2020 Center For The Arts colorado Colorado Rockies Crested Butte gallery exhibit january Kinder-Padon Gallery majestic mountain wildlife new year photography Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2019/11/center-for-the-arts-crested-butte Sat, 23 Nov 2019 17:54:59 GMT
Majestic Mountain Wildlife Gallery Show, Coming January 2020 https://teresagolden.com/blog/2019/11/majestic-mountain-wildlife-gallery-show-january-2020 Wild  107_0872Wild 107_0872

A New Year Celebration!!

My first solo gallery wildlife photography exhibit will be January 7-27th, 2020.  Join me in the new year to celebrate the "Majestic Mountain Wildlife" of the Colorado Rocky Mountains.  This will be a large 40+ piece photographic showcase of the wildlife found in the grand Rocky Mountains of Colorado.  On Friday, January 10th from 4-7 pm, there will be a "Artist Reception" at the new Center For The Arts Crested Butte, Kinder-Padon Gallery. 

To find out more information, please contact the Center For The Arts at: 

Center for the Arts Crested Butte

606 Sixth Street

PO Box 1819

Crested Butte, CO 81224



A Very Happy New Year!!




(Teresa Golden Photography) 2020 colorado Colorado Rockies gallery exhibit january majestic mountain wildlife new year photography Teresa Golden wildlife https://teresagolden.com/blog/2019/11/majestic-mountain-wildlife-gallery-show-january-2020 Thu, 21 Nov 2019 16:21:35 GMT